19th International Workshop on Unification
April 22, 2005 Nara, Japan
UNIF is the main international meeting on unification. Unification is concerned with the problem of identifying given terms, either syntactically or modulo a given logical theory. Syntactic unification is the basic operation of most automated reasoning systems, and unification modulo theories can be used, for instance, to build in special equational theories into theorem provers.
The aim of UNIF'2005, as for the eighteen previous meetings, is to bring together people interested in unification, present recent (even ongoing) work, and discuss new ideas and trends in unification and related fields. This includes scientific presentations, but also descriptions of applications and softwares using unification as a strong component.
In 2005, UNIF has been organized as part of the Federated Conference on Rewriting, Deduction, and Programming (RDP), collocated with RTA (International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications) and TLCA (International Conference on Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications), and several other affiliated workshops.
The meeting will include one invited talk, contributed talks, and social time to discuss current topics of interest, which include (but are not limited to):- Unification
- E-unification
- Unification Algorithms
- Higher-Order Unification
- String Unification
- Context Unification
- Combination problems
- Disunification
- Typed Unification
- Related Topics
- Constraint Solving
- Tree Descriptions
- Matching
- Narrowing
- Applications
- Type Checking and Type Inference
- Automated Deduction
- Rewriting
- Functional and Logic Programming
- Grammars
- Computational Linguistics
- Implementations
Querying XML documents by tree automata
Joachim Niehren, INRIA Futurs, Lille, France
Can Proofs be Animated by Games?
Susumu Hayashi, Kobe University, Japan
A panel entitled 20 Years After OBJ2 has been organized at the end of the workshop by Kokichi Futatsugi.The panelists were:
- Kokichi Futatsugi
JAIST (Japan Advance Institute of Science and Technology)
kokichi @ jaist.ac.jp - Joseph Goguen
University of California at San Diego
goguen @ cs.ucsd.edu - Jean-Pierre Jouannaud
Ecole Polytechnique
jouannaud @ lix.polytechnique.fr - Jose Meseguer
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
meseguer @ cs.uiuc.edu
Authors have been invited to submit via e-mail an abstract (1-5 pages), a paper (no longer than 15 pages), or a system description (no more than 5 pages) in Postscript or PDF format to
Postscript and PDF versions of the call for papers.
Accepted papers have been published in proceedings registered as LORIA research report A05-R-022, Nancy, France.PROGRAMME
The programme of the workshop is available here: programme.IMPORTANT DATES
February 5, 2005 | Deadline for electronic submission of papers |
March 8, 2005 | Notification of acceptance of papers |
March 21, 2005 | Deadline for final versions of accepted papers |
March 31, 2005 | Early registration deadline |
April 22, 2005 | Workshop |
Philippe de Groote LORIA -- INRIA Joseph Goguen University of California at San Diego Yuichi Kaji Nara Institute of Science and Technology Pawel Urzyczyn Warsaw University Laurent Vigneron LORIA -- Université Nancy 2 - CNRS
Laurent Vigneron
LORIA -- Université Nancy 2 - CNRS
Campus Scientifique - B.P. 239
54506 Vanduvre-lès-Nancy Cedex, France
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