C A L L F O R P A P E R S THIRD INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON CONDITIONAL TERM REWRITING SYSTEMS Abbaye des Pre'montre's, Pont-a`-Mousson (FRANCE) JULY 8-10, 1992 CTRS 1992 will take place in a XVIIIth century abbey by the Moselle river at Pont-a`-Mousson, a site which is closed to Nancy, Luxembourg and Saarbruecken.. OBJECTIVE This workshop is the third in a series dedicated to conditional term rewriting and other related extensions of term rewriting systems. The purpose of this workshop is to promote an exchange of ideas, opinions, and information between researchers who are actively involved in different aspects of conditional and extended rewriting systems. Sessions for formal presentation of selected papers, for system demonstrations and for informal discussion are scheduled. There will be also several keynote lectures by invited speakers. SCOPE Papers are solicited on the following topics: conditional rewriting and its application to programming languages, specification languages, automated deduction, constrained rewriting, typed rewriting, higher-order rewriting, graph-rewriting. This list is not exhaustive, and papers in related areas that fit with the intentions of the workshop will also be considered. SUBMITTING PAPERS An author may submit a paper by mailing 4 copies of an extended abstract (limited to a length of 5 pages) to Michael Rusinowitch (see address below). The deadline for the submission is April 1, 1992. Authors will be notified of acceptance for presentation by May 1, 1992. ORGANIZERS Jean-Luc Re'my CRIN & CNRS & INRIA B.P. 239 F-54506 Vandoeuvre-le`s-Nancy CEDEX France tel : (33) fax : (33) Email : remy@loria.crin.fr Michael Rusinowitch INRIA & CRIN B.P. 239 F-54506 Vandoeuvre-le`s-Nancy CEDEX France tel : (33) fax : (33) Email : rusi@loria.crin.fr