International School on Rewriting
LORIA, Nancy, France
July 3-7, 2006
Version française
Rewriting is a fundamental concept and tool in computer science,
logic and mathematics. It models the notion of transition or elementary
transformation of abstract entities as well as common data structures like
terms, strings, graphs. Rewriting is central in computation as well as
deduction and is a crucial concept in semantics of programming languages
as well as in proof theory. This results from a long tradition of
cross-fertilization with the lambda-calculus and automated reasoning
research communities.
This first International School on Rewriting is organized for Master and
PhD students, researchers and practitioners interested in the study of
rewriting concepts and application.
This school is supported by the
IFIP Working Group on Term Rewriting.
The lectures will be given by some of the best experts on rewriting
(termination, higher-order systems, strategies, ...) and applications
(security, theorem proving, program analysis and proofs, ...).
Poster of ISR'2006!
(in AI/PDF format, 3.3Mb)
Below is the list of topics studied during ISR'2006.
The detailed program is available here:
- Introduction to term rewriting:
- Motivation and abstract reduction systems
- Equational problems
- Termination
- Confluence
- Completion
by Franz Baader, Dresden University, Germany
- Termination of term rewriting and applications
by Jürgen Giesl, Aachen University, Germany
- Higher order rewrite systems
by Femke van Raamsdonk, Free University Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Call by need, call by value
by Vincent van Oostrom, Utrecht University, Netherlands
- Compilation and implementations
by Pierre-Etienne Moreau, INRIA & LORIA, France
- Security
by Michaël Rusinowitch, INRIA & LORIA, France
- Business Rules Language Framework
Stéphane Mery, ILOG, France
- Theorem proving
by Christopher Lynch, Clarkson University, USA
- Program analysis and proofs
by Thomas Genet, Université de Rennes I & IRISA, France
Advanced topics:
- Graph rewriting
by Detlef Plump, University of York, UK
- Tree Automaton
by Denis Lugiez, Université de Provence, France
- Deduction modulo
by Gilles Dowek, Ecole Polytechnique & INRIA, France
- Jürgen Giesl (Aachen)
- Claude Kirchner (Nancy)
- Pierre Lescanne (Lyon)
- Christopher Lynch (Potsdam)
- Aart Middeldorp (Innsbruck)
- Femke van Raamsdonk (Amsterdam)
- Yoshihito Toyama (Sendai)
- Anne-Lise Charbonnier
- Pierre-Etienne Moreau
- Anderson Santana de Oliveira
- Laurent Vigneron (chair)
E-mail contact:
isr2006 [at] loria * fr
The school will take place at
Nancy (France).
It is easily accessible
by train from Paris, Frankfurt, Strasbourg and Luxembourg which have well
connected international airports.
See also the Venue information.
For registration, please download, fill, and fax the following form to the number indicated in it.
Registration form (in PDF format 50 KB)
Registration form (in RTF format, 35 Kb)
Note that the deadline for early registration is: May 31,
2006 (too late!).
The deadline for normal registration is: June 23, 2006.
The ISR'2006 logo has been created by
Franz Kirchner.
Last modified: 26-Jul-2006